Copyright Ed Hamilton


These pictures show the moving dedication of the sculpture.

Return to the sculpture

Around 140 people attended the dedication ceremony at The Brevard Zoo.

Rick Carrillo, Sophia's father, gave an excellent speech, accompanied by the parrots and monkeys nearby.
The zoo director then accepted the sculpture for the zoo.

The Local CBS TV Station covered the event for the evening news.

Children were naturally attracted to the sculpture, even before the speeches were over.

Many children come to The Brevard Zoo and it was wonderful to see how the sculpture caught their interest. This type of sculpture is meant to be touched.

Tara Carillo, Sophia's mother shows Isabelle her older sister.

Food and refreshments were served after the dedication.

While refreshments were being served, some guests chose to re-visit Sophia privately. They left flowers and her bracelet.

When the dedication was over and the crowds left, Sophia remained with her flowers.




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